Sunday, February 17, 2008

History Repeats Itself

Today was my second gallery sitting shift in Belmar. Like last time, I expected few visitors, so I brought something to work with. Today that was the other proof I have of the tower image. As it turned out, a total of 3 visitors came by, leaving me plenty of time for other things. I used some of the time to make phone calls, getting the word out about my upcoming show to possibly interested persons. But that still left me about 2 hours of coloring time. I did it in the same order as last time, starting with the tan stone color, and starting to work into the golds and browns, using the color guide (on the white paper on right) as a reminder of where everything went on the first one. Knowing where everything goes definitely speeds up the process- what I did today took twice as long on the first copy. I won't be posting my progress every day on the second copy, since you can see all the steps in previous entries going back to late January.


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