Friday, June 29, 2018

Woodcut Ancestors Continue some more

Today was the first day of intake for the upcoming Ancestors show in Belmar.  I had filled out my form with some of the family story, and brought that, the artifact, and my framed woodcut to the Boatworks in the early afternoon.  After I signed in with my artwork, Louise showed me the plan for my works (I guess she had gotten word from Diane on what I was bringing).  As of this afternoon, the plan called for my framed woodcut to be hung in the front room, and the artifact (a sewn and embroidered cloth with giant initials on it) to be draped over a tall wooden chair/stool that will sit in front of (and under) the framed piece.

She showed me what she had in mind.  One thing I quickly realized is that my artifact has the advantage of the initials on it being SS, which reads the same both right side up and upside down, so no matter how they drape the cloth, it will make sense.  I turned in the written information, which will be turned into a card to be posted on the wall near the piece, so all that information will be available at all times.

Right now the Boatworks is still officially closed for cleaning, so this exhibition will finally open to the public on July 5, 2018, and the official reception will be on Saturday July 14, 2018 from 5 to 7 pm.  The current plan also calls for artists to do some kind of presentation of their stuff, around 6 pm, kind of like the Salon shows, but I can easily tell the story, so no problem.


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