Saturday, November 23, 2019

Taking Care of Business

Had some bits of business to take care of at the Boatworks today. Got an e-mail a few days ago from Diane, asking me about the existence and location of the red paint for the Lounge gallery.  I sent a reply, but I decided to swing by today and make sure it was all set.  When I got there the place was nearly empty- the recent color themed show had come down and the work was walking out the door, I assume with the artists who created the pieces.  I verified that the red paint had been found, then another important thing. Last time I was there I had learned that one of my mini-saints had sold from the display case, but no one was present to sign the check so that had to wait. Plus I was told that I should replace the piece that sold, though not given a specific request.  I thought it made sense to replace it with an other copy of the one that sold (someone bought it, so others may like it, too), but I had no idea which one it was.  I brought the whole set I had with me.

Sure enough Diane had the check for me, but didn't know which one had sold.  The check mentioned the code for the one that sold, but I don't remember those codes all these months later.  Found papers that mentioned the code, then one that made reference to a cougar, but I have done no cougar prints, saint or otherwise.  Finally found one that mentioned St Cungar- now we're talking.  I knew the print well, and even had a second copy of the mini-saint version with me.  Put a new code label on it (PB A4) and added it to the inventory sheet.  The replacement saint was put in the case with the others and I walked out with a check. Not a huge amount (these are small prints) but it would be enough to buy a large pizza or my typical assortment of Chinese food,  No time to go to the bank today, but I got plenty of food in my house right now, so this gives me something to look forward to another time.


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