Thursday, August 06, 2020

Time to Start Another

Made another trip home, got a shower, still no electricity, so I grabbed a few things and got back down to Manasquan. They were officially predicting completion of electrical repairs next week, but I was hoping for better.  Looking for a way to entertain myself without electricity,  I grabbed puzzle #2, one based on Vesuvio. which I had made the subject of a print earlier this year.  

Different company for this one.  The pieces have a dead white backing, and the surface is glossier.  Also they are cut a little differently, slightly more variety in the shapes of the knobs and holes, which makes it more clear if the pieces are meant to be together or not.  Overall size looks to be about the same as the last one.  

Started with the border.  Like last time, I'll gather like colors together, and start filling it in that way. 

Around 2pm today, the power came back on, well ahead of their prediction.  Seems to still be down at my apartment, so I'm starting this one on the dining room table in Manasquan.  But at least I have electric light to work with.  


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