Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas from Studio Arrabbiata


Merry Christmas from Studio Arrabbiata.  This year's card was done with help from Edvard Munch, who provided the inspiration.  As usual, this left me to do the actual work of acquiring materials, drawing, cutting, printing, coloring, and trimming them to fit in envelopes.  Still, couldn't have done it without him. I used to show the original in class when talking about narrative in art.  Put the slide up, ask the students what happened here, and they all had a pretty good guess.  (Santa and the tree weren't in that one) I don't have it in a book I had at home, but I do have the internet, and it wasn't hard to find. 

Some went out in the mail on Monday, some were distributed in person today, and some may go out in coming days.  But I do think I am done with printing and coloring.  That means my next time in the Studio I will likely be back to working on the current boardwalk print, but we'll see.


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