Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Bd James Strepar part 8

Went back to the Studio this afternoon to try proofing my new block.  Inked it for the first time and pulled the first proof on a piece of Rives Lightweight.  Above is that first proof.  No surprises here, but I did decide there were a few minor things that I should fix.  I had the mountain range continuing across the whole southern border of Galicia, but as it moved west, by the bottom of the pocketknife, the marks got confusing, so I took those out.  Also cleaned out some of the value in the twists of the canteen strap,  and separated the wolf's ear from a line just above it.  Then printed the second proof (below).  Not too different, just a little neater and eliminating some potential confusion.  I left both copies there in the Studio to dry.  Meanwhile I"ll think about colors, which I'll try out on copy #1 in a few days.


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