Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Woodcut class continues in a way

Nothing major, but there is always something that needs doing.

Today was the first of the month, which means a lot of rents are due.  My apartment, which I took care of by stopping by the rental office in my parking lot.  And also my Studio, but that requires a trip in my car.  Late in the morning I took that ride and did drop off the check in the usual place.  Took care of something else as well.  One thing I concluded from last night's woodcut class is that the students all preferred the shorter handled tools.  I had cut some down a few weeks ago to shorter lengths, but last night was the first time they actually used the cutting tools.  As long as I was going to the Studio, and I had last night's tools still with me in the car, and I always have my saws in the car, might as well take care of that, too.  So I retested the tools for sharpness and cut down the handles of 9 more tools, most of what I had in stock.  I put them in the place I keep them and will do the sanding of the ends later.  Kept a few at the original length for anyone who might prefer them that way.

Stopped in Belmar on the way home, just to make sure everything was in order in the building the way I had left it, and to get an update on the air conditioner.  But I was told all was well, so I continued on my way home for lunch.


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