Thursday, December 12, 2019

Last Collagraph of the Year

Being a printmaker, it is my custom to work a print project into every class I have.  And why not- people seem to like it.  The process that seems to make sense for my Intro class is collagraph- collaging material to a flat surface and inking it and printing it.  Not a thing I typically do for me, but it has its followers.  Works well for the Intro class because it takes no real training and can be done with almost any materials.  I developed a style that uses just old cardboard cereal boxes and scraps of whatever, plus a little white glue.  My current classes started it several weeks ago, making a cardboard collagraph plate (cereal boxes and scraps left from interior design that I found in the hallway), then printed a few weeks later, and colored after that, which satisfies a new school requirement.  Of course some students want to wait until the last minute, which happens to be tomorrow (our last meeting).  So a few days ago I was given the last collagraph plate of the semester, which I printed at my Studio today.

I will return it to the student tomorrow during our final meeting.  She'll get the credit for that, and if she decides to add some color during the class, she can get credit for that last step as well.  But it looks like that will have to be the last one, since I won't be bringing my ink and such to school tomorrow.  While I was up there I confirmed with Nichole that I will be coming to the annual holiday luncheon.  Short visit to the Studio, so only needed one album, which turned out to be a copy of Nick Cave's Dig Lazarus Dig that I keep in the Studio.  Wrote about it last summer if you need to know more.


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