My mother recently pointed out that I haven't posted the blog much lately, which I attribute to not being in the Studio much lately. But then I realized that this is an important day in the arrabbiata calendar- Mardi Gras. We do love the spicy food in this Studio, and I did make a huge batch of jambalaya for the occasion. Cooked it up on Sunday to start making some room in my parent's very crowded refrigerator, and had some that day. And it was good. But today is the big day, so I packed it up and put it away for a few days. Now today is the big day, so I put some in a dish, and the microwave quickly bought it up to eating condition. Then go to YouTube and call up some zydeco to set the mood, since all my discs are somewhere in storage. (some Beau Jocque and Rosie Ledet did the trick) Jambalaya is one of those things that is better the next day, so this worked out quite well.
Unfortunately, I still haven't found my camera yet, so above is a file photo from about 6 years ago, but the new batch looks the same as this one, so you get the idea.