Friday, January 28, 2022

Show and Class Prep


I had heard that we were due for a big winter storm this weekend, though the news is only agreeing on the idea that they want us to keep watching the news to find out more about the storm.  The amount of snow, when it will start, where it will go, these are all up in the air and they can't agree on any of it.  The last time they predicted a big storm, my area got zero.  But this time they are so serious about it, I decided to accept it may happen, and act accordingly, which meant taking care of business today.  And I had a lot of business to take care of today.

Left home around 10 am, first stop the local branch of the local bank to deposit a check I've had since Christmas.  Then some gas, as I was down to half a tank.  From there, drove to Belmar, first to the hardware store to get some hanging wire (for the upcoming show), then to a local pizza place a few blocks away to get a slice for a later lunch.  Next was the JSAC, to take care of a bunch of business.  I had seen Nichole's car in the lot, so I went to the office first.  She wasn't there, but I was told she would be soon, so I waited.  And in a few minutes, she was.

I had wanted to give her some of the forms she sent by email yesterday, now filled out by me.  I told her there were also emails I had sent her, with more information.   With that settled, I brought up the title of the show- a second annual made no sense to me with 4 years between shows 1 and 2.  Turns out she hadn't even thought about the title, but was just used to seeing things called "annual" and just figured it was an art thing.  Not exactly- it means one a year, and so someone might ask her about the time between.  Did I have a problem with it?  Of course not- I was just bringing this up so that if anyone did ask, she would have had time to come up with a good story.  She brought up Covid, which I agreed was a good excuse.  There were all kinds of rules that closed down galleries, so what happened in between was a mystery anyway.  We could work out installation dates later.  Her big concern was not to have everyone show up on the same day or at the same time and have all the equipment stretched thin.  I told her I was wide open for schedule coming up, and even with adding wire, I could get my pieces up in almost no time.  I've hung a lot of shows.  We would still need to use those high hooks, but now I had the wire to do so.  

As far as classes go, we were now up to 5 classes as planned (the last person finally turned in her information), and she had made most of my suggested changes to the copy to make it less confusing.  The only thing she didn't do was include my suggestion that a butter knife could be a substitute for a palette knife,  mostly out of fear that most potential students wouldn't know what a butter knife was, and a fear of what they might bring in.  She was going to see what materials she had, and make them available to the class, which helps the students more than me, since they will have to buy everything they need. She showed me the image she was using as a thumbnail with my class, and I okayed it, though back home, I looked at my proposed class and I realized that it wasn't one of the projects I was doing for the class.  (I left it up to her whether she wanted to change the image or change my syllabus) 

On the way home I made one more stop, at the supermarket, but there wasn't a space available in the whole lot.  I don't know if it was the approaching storm, or that it was the 12:00 hour, which I know from experience is one of the busiest hours at supermarkets.  Well, there was nothing I needed that badly.

Anyway, snow has started to fall and began sticking a few hours ago, so tomorrow's art class isn't happening. If we lose power, as has been suggested by the news, I won't be adding to this blog for a while, but I don't think much will happen in the next few days.


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