Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Alumni News

On a regular basis I get an Alumni magazine from my undergrad school.  Used to be in the form of an actual magazine, though these days it arrives as an email and attachment,  I'm sure a money saving change done for "my" benefit.  (same for various bills and statements I used to get and would prove my residence to a government agency who specifies these documents that I no longer get)  The cover of the latest magazine has art faculty member Marlene Jack on the front cover.  She taught ceramics during the whole time I was at William and Mary, and during the time I was an art major, but I never took her class, or remember meeting her.  To be fair, I don't think I took a ceramics class anywhere (though I did learn a bit about clay from Barbara Goodstein in the 3D class I had there, which I couldn't use the times I taught 3D at Kean as clay was forbidden in the room I was assigned, but I was required to use it when I taught the class at OCC, at which time the knowledge came in handy), and one thing Jack was known for was creating a new ceramics studio in another building, far away from Andrews Hall, where all the drawing/painting/printmaking classes were in those days.   

And since she died a few years ago, it seems unlikely I will ever have an occasion to meet her.  What this article was about was a new endowment in her name, well not exactly new, but starting to grow.  It's no RZ, but whatever it gives a ceramics student would be welcome. It's a medium that requires materials and equipment that are not cheap, much more expensive than my woodcut requirements.


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