Thursday, April 14, 2011

Boardwalk Showers part 31

Had enough time for a Studio visit this afternoon, so I went up there and continued my color studies for the new print. I took the one I had started last time (above) and added to it. At first I intensified the bright blue color I had washed on the lockers, but I felt it became too bright and colorful, so I went over it with some gray and indigo to dull it a little. I darkened the tan color on the upper walls to neutralize it a little. Both are improvements. I tried out various color combinations in different parts of the wall (color tile stripes) and floor (possible patterns)- nothing definite decided yet, but it gives me stuff to figure out.

I also started putting colors on the other tracing copy (below). Like last time, all the skin and hair first, then moving on to the architecture. This time I started with green colors- a very pale green wash on all the walls, and a more intense version on one of the horizontal tile stripes. Not liking this one as much. I'll add more to it over the weekend, but as of now I think I'm more likely to go with a blue dominated color scheme for the next proof of the print.


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