Fever Dream part 17
My parents were out most of day, so I ate lunch early, took care of a local errand, and left for the Studio a little earlier than usual. Saw Nichole's car in the lot, so after going inside, I stopped at her office first. Gave her an update on my adventures with her friend at the agency, who she had texted earlier in the week, since 2 weeks had passed since they were supposed to contact me with information. This time I got a bit more action, including a contact, and a lawyer. We will see what happens, but if all goes well, I'll get some help for my appeal.
With that taken care of, it was time to get to work. I had done a little more internet research last night, making sure about part of the Jefferies Tube that took up much of the right edge of my block, the last part that needed major work. My hope was to complete the cutting today, so I can print it next week and see what I got.
First thing I noticed was that the Studio was a lot cleaner than it had been- most of Molly's tote bags and t-shirts were gone. (Nichole had said something about stopping by to pick up the rest of the t-shirts, which didn't happen while I was there) So I didn't have to waste time clearing my space to work. Took out my block and tools and got to it.
First thing I did was cut the ring of keys held by the large hand on that side, representing me and that particular key ring. (I have one for that building, one for everything else) At the same time I took care of a few details in the hand itself, pieces between the keys in my drawing. Next was the interior of the Tube, which was just the cylindrical interior and a few colored long pieces (what was known on the show as GNDN for "goes nowhere, does nothing") that were around it, all converted to gray, black, and white in my image. And that was pretty much it. I took a rough rubbing of the whole image in pieces (the paper I had) and decided to just remove the two hanging hoses. The parts I had carved were not that great, and this saved me from having to try to do it also where they were in front of the black part of the escalator. Gives a needed large piece of white as well.
I don't plan to print it until next week (avoiding the Halloween activities up at the building for one thing), so I will spend the next few days gathering what I need for printing, as well as looking over the block and seeing if there is anything I missed, as well as noting any nicks and splinters that I will need to deal with in printing it.
For music today I had brought the blues case, so I got to enjoy some things that have been mentioned here before. I started with a nice copy of the T-Bone Walker's fine collection, T-Bone Blues. I wrote about him and the original record back in October, 2019. When that ended, I went to another blues disc, one that I have paired with the Walker disc before, a John Lee Hooker collection just called Volume I which was put out by Modern Records and included songs from 1948 to 1954, so about the same time as the Walker sides. In this era, the standard record was the 78 rpm single, so all musicians pretty much recorded songs that would be put out as singles. The invention of the 33 and 1/3 rpm LP allowed record companies to put out albums and all these recordings had a new life, either as albums put out by the record company that owned the masters, or by companies that licensed the recordings to put out albums. In the case of T-Bone Walker, he had cut these sides for Atlantic Records in the 50's, and that record company put out this album much later, as well as included at least one song on another album collection that came out even later. As for John Lee Hooker, I have no idea who he recorded these sides for originally (he made records in many places), and I don't have access to the original record right now. I just have my copy of a copy of the album paired with another JLH album I had on record, This is Hip, which was put out by VJ Records, who put out some of the early Beatles singles in America when no one else wanted them. (times would change on that) And I have the photo of this album at the top of this posting, from way back in 2007. So these are not new records to this blog, but all I have right now is what I had stored in the Studio.