Saturday, May 30, 2009

Assorted Studio Business

I put in a few hours in the Studio this afternoon, doing this and that. I decided to take advantage of the extremely tidy state of the room to take some new photos of the two most photogenic corners. The last ones I took were 35mm prints, which don't quite look as nice when scanned as the digital photos I can take now. Above are the low resolution shots, and I have higher res saved should I need it.
Also did a little coloring, futher touch up on the 3rd proof of the tattoo print. (The one I framed last night was dropped off in Belmar on the way up to Ocean Grove.) Mostly it was the dragon, repainting the whole thing, making the blue a little lighter and more even over the whole thing. Adjusted the orange values on the ukelele girl as well. That should do it for this one.
The rest of the time was spent thinking about the possibilities for the next print in the series. Looked through a book of Japanese prints and at the sketches from earlier in the week, and took some notes. If I'm going to do the next one with the Belmar Memories exhibition at the BAC in mind, I need to start it very soon.


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