Thursday, May 21, 2009

Boardwalk Tattoo part 32

Tonight I brought both copies of the new print to the critique group that meets at the Boatworks on the 3rd Thursday of the month. (I have gone occasionally in the past when I don't have a conflict with my work schedule) Like the majority of the BAC, the group is a bit more conservative than the one that meets in the Studio, but they are all experienced artists who have a good understanding of formal issues. That's what I was looking for tonight, suggestions as to how to resolve the remaining parts of the 2nd proof. In general, everyone liked the color I used on the table in the first proof and recommended using it again. There was some debate over the lower part of the right side panel. One suggestion was using a darker color in the negative space, while another was just to darken the table legs, so that they echo shapes in the boardwalk rail. One person preferred the jeans in the first person, which were much lighter in color. Over the next few days I may do some experimenting with the first proof, try out some of tonight's advice, and put the results to use on the 2nd proof.


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