Thursday, June 30, 2011

Smoking Figure part 17

After my time breaking clay in Belmar, I drove up to the Studio to work on a project of my own. Before doing anything else, I took a walk up Main into Ocean Grove to look for more lettering examples. I sketched something suitable from an office window, walked back, had some lunch, then got to drawing. I erased the lettering I had drawn earlier in the week and put in pieces of two lines of lettering, which can be seen above. I don't know if this is the final version (at minimum a few minor adjustments are needed), but it's definitely better than any of the earlier versions. While I was there, I also finished roughing in the brick and mortar patterns in all the appropriate places. The state of the whole block can be seen below.

I worked my way home, but wasn't quite done for the day. I took a walk up my town's Main Street and did some sketches of windows, looking for hints of items/architecture visible through them, as well as patterns of reflections. It's something I may try to add to this print in and around the head and lettering. Also in the plans, using more ink to fill in some background values (to make sure it's all balanced) and I'm still considering giving her a tattoo.


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