Saturday, June 11, 2011

36th Annual PCNJ Member Exhibition Reception

Today was a busy day around the Printmaking Center of New Jersey. I missed an early demonstration by a guest artist, but arrived in time to catch a good bit of the annual member meeting, where they typically give an overview of organization finances and plans for the coming year. After that is was time for fun. We had set up the traditional pot luck lunch downstairs in the studio. Those in attendance enjoyed the food and beverage downstairs, then came back upstairs to look at the art, which was hard to do during the very crowded meeting.

My piece, seen just to the right of the doorway in the above photo, received a lot of positive comments. Everyone who spoke to me about it asked which boardwalk it was, often suggesting one they thought it might be (Seaside, Atlantic City, etc), but regular readers here know that it's from my informed imagination. In a related comment, I heard a story from one of our board members regarding the recent Arts on Division show. On a day when she was there my tattoo print attracted a lot of positive attention from a group of younger viewers, who seemed to recognize the depicted artist, or his work, or maybe both. Makes sense- just as many in attendance today instantly recognized my piece as my work just from its style, these viewers had an eye for an artist they seem to be very familiar with.

Above and below, more artwork from the show, which included 45 pieces selected from over 200 submitted prints, artist books, photographs, and mixed media paper works.

I ended up staying there until about 3:30, at which time I returned to the shore area. Stopped first in Belmar to visit another reception and shoot photos for their blog, then finally home from there. In the next few days I'll get back to the process of making some new art.


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