Keeping Dry
We've had some surprisingly hot weather around here over the past couple of weeks, like we went right from winter to summer. Today was one of those hot humid days that inevitably ends with a thunderstorm, which actually sounded like the best option of those we were threatened with today (tornado, hailstorms). There were a few sprinkles late in the afternoon, but nothing that could be called a real rain. My luck ran out just at the moment I pulled up in front of the Belmar Arts Council. Took three trips to get all my stuff in, each trip more wet than the one before. The model pulled up to the Boatworks at the same time I did, and joined me inside- as the other artists arrived, they decided to wait out the storm (about 10 minutes) in the comfort of their own vehicles. While we were waiting, I showed the model the completed second proof of the shower print (carefully packed for the weather), since she posed for 4 of the figures. She liked it, specifically mentioning the poster on the wall, praising the color choices for the background as feeling very real for the setting, and happy to see some of her tattoos show up on some of the figures. (she was also amused to see the changes I made to her appearance to make the various characters feel like different people)
This is the same model who posed for the smoking print, so I showed her a photo of the recent changes I made to the face in the block drawing, and updated her on some of the other things I'm considering for it. The model believes that I always make her look angry in my drawings, so she liked that the changes I made reduce that. At the rate I'm going with this piece, it may be quite a while before I can show her a finished print.
As for tonight, did two charcoal drawings. I'm not crazy about either one of them, but the model liked the one above, because even though the resemblance isn't as good as I'd like, I didn't make her look like she was about to go beat up someone.
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