Thursday, May 05, 2011

Boardwalk Showers part 34

Today's visit to the Studio included a few diversions- checking out a gallery show in Asbury, printing the last student woodcut of the semester- but I was able to advance my current print a little further. I finished adding the blue color to the rest of the lockers, which seems to be working well. I put an extremely light wash of gray on the tiles on bottom half of the wall, just taking down the brightness a little. I don't know if that's done, but it's so light that I can easily go over it with something else later. A few tiny spots of other colors here and there. I also spent time thinking about the remaining spaces. I made some color strips and laid them over the bench area to see how they'd work. So far I'm leaning toward using the teal green color from the showers, which would separate well from everything around it, while relating to use of the same color in the shower stalls. The towels, on the other hand, are a long way from being resolved.

Above is a photo of the two proofs of the print. There is definitely a big difference in the relationship of the figures to the background in the two prints. Maybe this weekend I'll finally finish the rest of the proof.


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