Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Boardwalk Showers part 36

With the school year drawing to a close I found myself with a rare midweek off day today, and I took advantage of it to get into the Studio and finally finish off this print. I had given it some thought since the last work done on it and came in with somewhat of a plan to deal with the last few white spaces. Some things ended up being the same as the first version- the dark red towel for the figure emerging from the shower, a greenish blue towel clutched by the standing figure at the bottom right, the hanging towel in the back being a similar green to the first version, and repeating the ultramarine blue hairbrush from the left panel. Different choices were made for some items in left panel- the bathing suit becoming a pinkish orange color, and essentially switching the colors of the towel and tote bag on the bench, making the bag light tan and the towel deep red. Other late additions- a color for the floor drain cover, a few hints of phthalo wash on the towel (otherwise left white) of the seated figure, and a slightly darker wash on the lower level of wall tiles to make it a little less bright.

I think that should just about do it. The finished piece is a huge improvement over the first attempt, while still using a palette that should be compatible with the rest in the series. The overall light in the scene is more like I originally planned, and the figures have more individual presence than the previous attempt. I still have one more proof to color. I'll probably fill in most of it to match this, leaving a few things alone until after the next critique, just in case someone makes a really good case for switching a color or two. But unless someone is really convincing, I expect to color the next one to look like this one, then move on to the next project.


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