Christmas Time is Here Again

Christmas isn't over until I get my cards out to all those who earned them this year. Last night I had time to get back to this effort. I had all the cards at home, along with my watercolors, and taking care of a relatively mechanical task like coloring a large run of cards is easily done while watching late night tv. Above is how they looked after the first of many colors. Below is a later stage, with four colors done. I added a couple of more colors after this, before going to bed.
In the morning I added the last few colors, and after taking care of a few important errands, found my way to the Studio. I had brought my paper cutter home in case I ended up doing all this at home, but to this point had only completed my prototype on Christmas morning. As part of my ongoing effort to clean up my apartment, I figured I'd bring equipment back there and use my big work table to finish the job. The equipment and tools stayed there, and the cards came home with me.
wheres mine? hehe.....
I do not know who you r? I love your card so you hand color after press?
what do you cut your block into wood?
I have never completed a block it seems so hard to cut wood or linoleum? Can you teach a easer way to cut ,away undesirable matter or is it that I am a lazy artist?
Hopefuly I willl make it to a critique' I did sign up and pay' but I forgot to take the wrong hanger off,and change to wire!
I missed bringing my art back,properly wired for the salon, as It seems..I do not exists on a normal day' bed late in am, wake up afternoon.... I need to get on a schedule ,so I will not miss so much.I am enjoying your blog.....linda
Yes, the hand coloring is done after the printing (by hand, no press is used). Once in a while I print color with multiple blocks, but I find hand coloring the easiest way to get the look I want.
Sorry, no easy way to make a woodcut block. The best advice I have is to get the best quality tools you can afford and keep them super sharp. Dull tools make the job ten times more difficult. Linoleum is a little easier to cut, but I enjoy working with wood so much more.
When I don't have a reason to get up early I tend to revert to a late night schedule myself. Unfortunately, making a living means getting up earlier than I'd like a lot of days. Luckily, I don't need much sleep.
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