Wednesday, June 06, 2012

St Genevieve part 6

I was able to get an early start today, so I was able to get to the Studio by a reasonable hour.  First step was to tape the two copies of the St Genevieve print to a drawing board.  While the tape dried I got out my watercolors and started thinking about color.  As I mentioned the other day, there is a goal to have all prints in the series have a similar look, and that applies to color as much as drawing.  Some of the premixed colors in my watercolor box are the actual colors mixed when I started the series back in 1994, so maintaining color traditions isn't too difficult.  Once the tape dried, I colored the greens first and the blue sky, then the stone for the well.  After a lunch break, I colored all the wood.

This first pass isn't bad, but it doesn't quite all go together.  My first thought was that the red roof was too bold.  Molly was in so I had her take a look- she liked the red, but thought the problem could be solved by changing the color or value of the background trees.  I brought it home to look at for a few days.  Next time I go in to work I'll try some changes to this first proof, and use whatever I learn when I start coloring the second proof.


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