Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Nice Place to Visit

It's been almost a month since I was in the Studio to work on a new print.  I've been there since for a critique, to pick up and drop off equipment and materials for various classes, and to do work for my college classes.  I'm at the point with the Asbury block where I need to do the specific architectural detail.  I've got all the reference photos I need, but they're on my computer.  Could bring that to the Studio I suppose, but often I'm stopping there on the way from one place to another, I don't want to drag the computer around all day.  No, I think that it's better to convert the photo details to paper sketches, which I can bring there to work on, handling the mirror reversal in the process.  I've begun doing those sketches, and I'll post some as the block drawing goes forward.

Today, though, was one of those teaching related days.  I had a small pile of charcoal value drawings from one of my 2D classes, which needed to be graded and documented.  I had started the grading process while the drawings were still on the classroom desks, the still life set up, and the lights in place- those aspects related to the direct observation.  Qualities of the drawings not specific to the original still life were evaluated today, and the better ones were photographed for when assignments are posted online.  The students did a pretty good job with their spray fixative, but my hands were still a little dirty when the process was done, so I'm glad that I did it there and not at home.


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