Tuesday, March 19, 2013

One Last Tuesday

Today was the fourth and last scheduled meeting for this latest round of woodcut classes.  Based on the condition of the block all around the Boatworks as of last Friday, and the weather forecasts early this past week, I made the decision to not wait until today to decide to move the class, but worked it out in advance.  A ride past the Boatworks on my way up to Ocean Grove confirmed that we made the right decision- still just piles of dirt, a field of very wet mud, plank path, etc.  Molly had come in and done a quick clean up of her stuff early this morning, so I merely had to clear my table and bring the stuff in from my car.  We were ready to start by 10:00 am.

With only two students for the two tables there was plenty of room to work.  Mary continued with her ongoing two block project.  She had cut more from the second background block, and today mixed a slightly lighter shade of the blue gray ink she printed with last time.  She pulled three proofs (below) that will eventually be used to test whether her visual idea and registration system will work.

Meanwhile Jill used the time to reprint some previous blocks in preparation for an upcoming show.  Above, she's hand rubbing a print (yes we have a press in the room, but I train people in my method, and to be able to print anywhere).  Below, using a bit of mat card to touch up a proof she had just pulled.
We finished on time and got everything cleaned up.  The plan is to set up another round of classes (people have been expressing interest), back at the Boatworks, later in the spring.  I'll get the word out when I know the details.


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