Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Supermarket Rubble

Critique time has come upon us again and I've been so busy getting ready for the start of the semester, I hadn't had time to start anything new.  Usually when I have no major project going and I want to have something new to work on, it's easy to turn to a saint, but this time I decided to go with a supermarket print.  And of the ideas I've been sitting on, the simplest and easiest to put into production was something from not too long ago, when I was in my car in the parking lot of a supermarket, listening to the radio for a few minutes before going in.  I saw a guy kneeling on the ground next to his back door, taking things out of the back seat area.  I thought he was rearranging stuff, but then he got into the car and drove off, having left behind a pile of bricks and concrete, perhaps from the demolition of a set of brick stairs.  Why he decided to abandon this debris next to a shopping cart corral in a supermarket parking lot I had no idea, but the same could be said for a lot of the things that inspired prints in this series.

I knew of no scheduled events going on at the Studio building tonight, so wanted to get there while I knew for sure there'd be people in the building and the alarm would be off.  I stopped in the parking lot of my building on the way out, long enough to make a quick reference sketch of the type of car I had seen that night, and got to the Studio by around 4:30 pm.  For the figure I used myself in a mirror; since the full length mirror I had there was destroyed by the workers cleaning up after the winter flood this year, I had to make use of one in one of the dressing rooms.  Molly stopped by for a while to do some work, though she was not going to stay for the critique, and we updated each other on the new fall jobs that we have.  I still had enough time to do the above very rough paper sketch, going over it with a black marker to make it easier for people to see.  The relative scale of the elements is off (the car needs to be much larger) and I will need gather more details for the scene, but I think the general idea is good and it will work as part of the series.


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