Wednesday, February 25, 2015

More Work in the Studio

Was back in the Studio for a few hours today, continuing the work I was doing a few days ago.  I had brought back with me the wood panels I cut on Monday, but bringing sandpaper with me this time.  I suppose I could have done this sanding at home, but I didn't want the sawdust and splinters in my apartment, and it's still too cold these days to spend time outdoors doing it.  Now it's done.

I also put in time on my cleaning project.  On Monday I had organized a bunch of newspaper/newsprint  and scrap cardboard (all of no monetary value, but all useful for studio processes) that had been piled on top of a metal cabinet, combined that with a box I had on my table with some printing supplies, and some nice 3/4" plywood that my student Mary had been given and decided to share with me.  Now all of that (above) was up on the cabinet and off my table.

More organizing today, including a large cardboard box of old printing blocks rescued from the flooded basement in Manasquan.  The surviving Carbondale era saints, all the Ecclesiastes blocks, and a variety of small prints.  The box had a brief residence in my last apartment, but has been stored on top of my rolling inking table and cabinet in the Studio ever since, just getting moved temporarily every time I have to ink a block.  Made a list of everything in the box, repacked it, and made room for it on one of my shelves (below) in the big unit along the wall, which also holds boxes with all the surviving Fourth of July blocks.

Still a few things on the table, but I can temporarily stash them under the table on Sunday.  Some are things that were always stored under the table in the past, but after last year's flood,  I won't be doing that again.


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