Monday, February 13, 2017

Small and Chilly Critique

Got the word out a few days ago that it was critique time again.  Been about a month, and to wait much longer puts us into March.  Had one positive and one negative response to my e-mail, so it was on.  Actually we ended up with three people, two besides myself, although some others were there in spirit.  In the above photo, the two black and white woodcuts to the left are from Mary- the top one more or less finished, the bottom one with a ways to go.  The block is mine, just completed earlier today, and the colorful piece to the right is one of the Tim collaborations (started by our regular member Tim, and passed off to be completed by other artists)  Margery had brought it back to us tonight, and she thinks as many as two others may have worked on it as well in between.  Mary would go ahead and take it home, though not sure if she would have something to add to it.

Margery also brought us a new (to us) ceramic piece.  My first reaction was that it seemed biblical- lot of stories in both Old and New Testament of people fleeing with babies, likely on the backs of animals, to avoid massacres.  In Superman's case it was a rocket instead of a horse, but he also survived.  She says that this was not the association she was going for, but we all still liked the piece, citing the expressions on the horse's face and the color variations in the glaze on the horse.


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