Monday, May 22, 2017

Back to Work Yet Again part 11

Spent yesterday at the Seafood Festival and mowing the lawn, a sunny summer like day.  When I was shaving this morning I noticed that I had gotten a bit of sun on the areas around the collar, making me literally a redneck.  Luckily, not painful.  Today, on the other hand, was mostly pouring rain, so no danger of getting a further burn and a good day to go the Studio and get more work done.  As you can see from the above photo, the greens started showing up today- that big counter in the foreground, the exteriors of some of the food places across the boards and a few other details here and there.  Really makes a big difference.  For the moment I skipped over some gray tones that I would have done before the big cool color sections, but I need more of the paints that go into making the grays I need, so that will have to wait for another day.


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