Monday, May 08, 2017

Back to Work Yet Again part 7

My latest coloring of the boardwalk tattoo print was almost done.  Today I went in and did some touch-ups of color.  The biggest thing was on those jeans shown above, adding some indigo "shadows" to give more illusion of form.  Other minor touch-ups were done in other parts of the print.  At this point I'd say this one is done, though I'll give it a careful examination next time I go in.  Unless I discover something unusual, the next thing I color will be the second print that Jenny has placed an order for.

My other task today was working on the next saint print, the one I started sketching last week in Belmar.  I had filled a page in a sketchbook with more bird images, and today I started sketching some of those birds on the block.  This brings me to 15 birds on the church roof and other architecture, which should be enough to make the point.  Also made a few slight adjustments to the building.  I'll look it again in a few days, and if nothing else seems to need changing, I'll move on.  One thing that has been bothering me about this saint is the lack of verifiable information.  This is a problem with a lot of saint biographies, especially the older ones.  The Butler's book that I have always used even regularly states that the information they are telling us is at the least not reliable, and sometimes known to be reworked from other stories- mythology, etc.  They even advance a theory that one particular early martyr, St Expeditus, may have been nothing more than a mailing label confusion.

The edition of the full unabridged set that I own is copyrighted 1962, has nothing about St Georgia, which could just mean she was canonized after that point. (thousands of saints were) The set I had access to in the SIU library (when I started the series) was from the 80's, and I believed that the set at my local public library might be that same era.  So maybe that edition has more on St Georgia and stopped by on the way home to see what I could find.  Not in that edition.  And it seems like the publishers have stopped producing the four volume version.  Ones from recent years have cut back to one saint per day, versus the thousands listed in the earlier editions.  That may be enough for some people, but not for me.  So far all I've found online is a few sentences of biography on one site, and the rest only give me a name and a feast day.  If I find nothing else, I'll do the print based on what I have, but I'd much rather have a more authoritative source, or access to the source that the web pages are referencing.  If I can't get that soon, I'll add the feast day I have seen and start cutting.


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