Tuesday, October 06, 2020

A Not Quite Great Pumpkin part 2

 Had some time this afternoon, so I went back down to Manasquan to check on the progress of my pumpkin project.   I had everything from yesterday out in the shed, so I went directly there, brought it to the patio table outside, and got to work.  Yesterday's orange ink wasn't quite dry yet, but I wasn't planning to paint directly on that, so I figured I would be fine.  

The original design includes four sections of cool green, which I figured could be the Phthalo green and some titanium white.   All the leaves have veins in them, but those can be added later as lines of black ink, and I can fix the jack-o-lantern cuts the same way.  The other thing today that had no orange ink on it was the woody stem on top. In theory brown can be easily mixed from red, yellow, and green, plus white, but today I still have no palette, so had to do the mixing directly on the wood surface.  It didn't help that all I had with me were a set of very cheap brushes (probably a gift because I would never buy such things for myself), falling apart as I tried to use them (bristles falling out, ferrules coming off the handles).  Comparing this photo to the previous one, the stem color isn't too far off from what was there, but I think I can do better.  Probably have a little actual brown color ink in my Studio. Meanwhile, it all went back out the the shed to dry, and I'll wait a day or two before I try again.


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