Friday, March 31, 2023

Achluophobia part 3

 I decided to take a trip to the Studio today.  Had no other place I had to be, and felt like getting some more work done on my current block.  So after breakfast and bringing in the empty garbage can, I did.  Was in a mood to listen to some Zombies, so I brought my jazz/pop book of discs with me.  I only have one album of theirs with me right now, a collection of A and B sides of all singles from 1964 to 1969, which functions as a greatest hits album, and perhaps an unmade middle album, between their hit single debut, and their label swan song LP.  I've written about the band more extensively back in January of 2020 if you want to know more.

I knew that part of today's drawing would be working on the furnace built into the wall, there in the basement, which has a date on it as "modified 1897", one of the fun artifacts of life in the basement. I decided it had to be part of my print.  The elements of my piece are from all different parts of the passages down there, grouped together in my new composition.  As I stood there, with my cane getting ready to sketch those cast iron furnace hatches, a part of the maintenance staff asked if I needed help.  No, I told him, just sketching the furnace as part of my new piece.  Told him about my plan and he agreed instantly, saying he's heard the same thing from others in the building, afraid to go downstairs.  He even said something about comparisons to "Silence of the Lambs" and I told him I understood.  "It's all the bricks down here." I told him.   He left me to my task, and before long I had a more detailed version of the item in my sketchbook.

On to the Studio, where I worked some more on my block drawing.  Of course I redrew the whole furnace area, adjusting the perspective to better match the brick wall.  I also used the time to fix some of the bricks at the top of the facing wall, and drew in some things near the top of the tympanum above the door opposite one of the doors to our Studio.  I also changed the pipes a bit near the upper left corner- less detailed than what I had there, but perhaps more accurate.  Also went ahead and made some darker marks in the areas I knew would be solid black- won't affect my cutting plans, just to help me see the design a little better.  Results are below:

The new details on the furnace aren't necessarily finished, but are much closer to what actually exists.  I still have to come up with a figure in the shadows of the dark hallway, but I didn't need that today.  But it does seem to be coming together.   That's a good thing, and I have a few weeks left before I need to have it done.


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