Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Blood Draw part 6


I was on my way to the Studio this morning, so naturally my parents both had lists of groceries they wanted me to pick up.  Not written down, so this was whatever I would remember.  On my way, got some gas for the car, then up to the Studio.  Being distracted by all the food I heard, I forgot to grab some of what I planned to bring with me, so my plans for the day didn't go quite as expected, but I got some work done. 

One thing I did bring with me was a latex glove, from the supply for my mother's twice daily treatment. We have a whole box of them.  I figured that I'd need one for the new piece.  I was the hands for everything in my latest work, both mine and the person drawing blood.  Using a mirror, I had sketched in the two sets of hands, but I would need to have one pair gloved for the piece to have any accuracy. So once again I set up a mirror, had the glove on both my right and left and took turns drawing what I saw in front of me.  Used my original hand sketches as a starting point, but changed them a little to reflect the new reality.   For example, new overall smoother lines, elimination of nails, but more folds of latex rubber.  Got the basics done.  Skipped most of the shadows for now, as one of the things I didn't get was my clamp lamp, which would allow me to get the strong light and shadow effect I want for the piece.  Next time, I guess.  Since I am not doing shadows yet, no point in the drawing ink yet.  Results can be seen below:

For music today I had brought my smaller Jazz/Blues case, and from this randomly chose Gil Scott-Heron's The Revolution will Not be Televised, or at least my home burned version of it.  If I recall, the original collection had songs from the first two albums he produced, and I think my home burned version took songs from both albums.  If you want to know more, you can read what I blogged back in September of 2021.

On the way home I stopped at the supermarket, got a bag full of the groceries that I remembered, then headed home for lunch.  


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