Saturday, June 15, 2024

Manasquan Art Walk 2024

 I learned today that we are having an art walk here in Manasquan today, and decided to check it out.  After all, I did drive up to Ocean Grove to see one last weekend, so I figured the least I could do is go to one in my own town, especially since I can walk there from home.  I know because I have done it a few times this year.  I couldn't find a list of artists anywhere online, except for things posted by a few of the artists themselves, and I didn't know any of them.  However, staying home just meant my parents watching old westerns all day, so I took the walk.  Weather was decent- warm and sunny, but not yet the heat and humidity that are expected next week. 

So I walked local blocks to Main Street, then up Main Street to the festival.  As I mentioned last week, I don't have much luck with outdoor events, so I didn't mind that I wasn't a part of it.  I walked through the entire business district of town, on Main from Route 71 to Broad Street, then cross and walk back.  If you didn't make it, you didn't miss much.  I would estimate maybe 30 or so artists there on the sidewalks.  Most just sat in chairs reading or looking at their phone, with only one actually greeting me, a potential customer.  The art was mostly seascapes, a subject that doesn't interest me. I only recognized one name, someone who has taught some local classes, but if she was there I didn't know it as we've never met.  Some artists claimed to have prints, but I only saw commercially produced reproductions in full color.  If it doesn't come directly from a block, plate, stone. or screen, I consider it a poster, not a print.  Here's a photo I took at one end:

You don't see much art, just a lot of cars, kids on bicycles, people eating at outdoor tables, some pedestrians, people walking pets, and that is pretty much what I saw.  The whole walking round trip (what with weekend traffic,  there was no way I was going to try to drive there) took only about an hour.  My conclusion was that the art I saw last week was way more interesting and skilled.  Like I said, at least it was a very nice day.


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