Thursday, May 23, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 17

 Pouring rain this morning as I showered, but news showed via radar that it would end and clearer weather was coming into the area, so when the rain drops became less numerous, I decided to drive up to the Studio.  However, I remembered that last Thursday I had to find my way to the back parking lot and walk around the whole building to get in, and I certainly didn't want that to happen.  When I did get there I saw that work seemed be done on the roof, but the dumpster was still occupying the handicapped spaces, and not surprisingly, the sidewalk wasn't done yet, which meant the main driveway in and out of the back lot was still not available.  Luckily there were a few spots available in the front lot, so I did find parking.  

Last night I had done some sketching of my location for the latest boardwalk print, from photos taken of those buildings at the time I started it.  So far it's saving me from going back there to sketch in person, as I did a few times back when I started it.  I sketched these architectural details in my sketchbook, easier to bring with me to the Studio.  Also coming with me was more Bruce (made sense for this Asbury scene), but this time Disc II, which picked up where the last one had ended.  So nothing about Asbury Park itself, but from what I call his American period- or in other words, songs from The River and Nebraska.  (written about back in March of 2020 if you want to know more)  As that disc played, I made changes to the block, all concentrating on the Convention Hall part of the image, as can be seen below:

Around noon I set aside the art to head upstairs to talk to the guy who is running a figure drawing group.  Explained how the weather had been discouraging, but mostly I wasn't there because I had ordered art materials, but they hadn't arrived yet.  He did say that they will be doing it next week (I wasn't sure because of the holiday), so maybe next week I will be doing that.  

Then back down to the basement to document and put everything away.  Took a photo of the whole block as it exist now:

Got home before my parents left, and found a bunch of art supplies waiting for me.  Looks like I'll be doing some drawing next week. 


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