Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Terraplane Blues part 10

 A beautiful day, almost summer like, so a good day to drive to the Studio.  I wondered if there would be limited parking in front, thanks to classes and roof work, but there wasn't.  There was no parking in front- the driveway blocked off to keep everyone out of the lot, so I had to take Lawrence Ave around to the back driveway to the back lot. In the old days I sometimes parked in the old back lot- a locked back gate (padlock, same was the one on the iron gate at the main door) off the Main Street driveway, as it had a ramp down to the basement.  But that lot is gone now, along with the fenced in area, disappearing with the annex and the tunnel connecting it to the main building.  But here's what it looked like when I first moved in:

The new back lot is partly paved and lined, and is good for when additional parking is needed, and today it was pretty full.  I took an available handicapped space because I have the hang tag to do so.  And the main back door was open (that ramp door is locked from the inside unless opened) so I got in and made my way to the basement.  I had brought music on disc with me, in this case the live album by X, an early Los Angeles based punkish band first active in the 1970's.  I've owned this album (Live at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go) since my undergrad days, and you can read about it and the band on this blog back in June of 2022 if you so desire.  I've listened to it while making art for decades.  

Today I wanted to finish the cutting of my Terraplane block, a piece I began almost a month ago.  In this case I needed to complete the cutting of the lyrics I adapted for the print. It all went as expected, and I finished the letters around the time the disc ran out.  I hung around for a few more minutes to finish removing the wood below the letters.  Tape would have covered it up I suppose, but I felt like getting rid of it completely.  Results are below:

I took the block home to look at some more, but unless I find something that needs fixing, I'm done with the cutting and will try to pull a proof sometime, probably next week.   Getting out of the back lot is an issue.  Almost impossible to make a left turn out of the driveway onto Main, and the back driveway leads to a one way away from that Main (hard to explain to people that our building is at the corner of Main and Main, but that's where it is) so since I had to make a right anyway, I decided to take advantage of the nice day and this time of year to cut through Ocean Grove to the ocean, and take that road down toward home.  A month from now I won't be able to use this route, what with a crosswalk on almost every corner, and pedestrians using them almost constantly to cross the road to and from the beach, but today I only had to stop once, in Avon. 


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