Thursday, April 25, 2024

Terraplane Blues part 7

 Another sunny day, a little breezy, but not rainy. Took care of some errands on the way there, then got to the studio building a little past 11:00.  Almost empty parking lot. Doesn't make a difference to me, just time to get to work.  I had spent a bit of time the past few days looking at my block, so I knew what I wanted to do.  I brought that block, my good tools, and one disc, my Arctic Monkeys CD, which has been written about on this blog back on October of 2023.  This disc is longer than a standard album, so I figured it was about right for what I planned today.

What I decided to do today was the female figure, on the left side of the block in the foreground.  Some shadows on the figure, but a lot of light (or white), so for now a lot of stuff was cut away.  When I finished her, I moved on to some adjacent sections of the car- bumper, engine compartment, and open hood.  At that point the music ended, so I packed up, documented the day's work, and went home. That still leaves me the male figure, the rest of the car, and the lyric from the song.  Results can be seen below:

So far, so good.  The inside of the engine compartment has a lot of shapes, but I don't think it will be that hard to cut, and the male figure won't be more difficult than the female figure was.  I'm estimating two or three more cutting sessions (probably three) until this thing is done and ready to proof for the first time.  I'm hoping at that time the balance of black and white will be what I think it is, and I'll be done with the cutting.


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