Thursday, April 04, 2024

Terraplane Blues part 4


So far it was a nice day.  I was told my brother was coming in the afternoon to take me to storage, so if I was going to go the Studio, it would have to be in the morning.  So that's what I did.  Went there directly, so I got there around 11:00.  For music I had brought a home burned disc of Sonic Youth.  This was because last night I saw Kim Gordon (their former bass player) on one of the late night shows, doing her new single I guess.  I wasn't particularly impressed, but I do have a copy of SY's Daydream Nation in the discs I took from my Studio, so I wanted to listen to that today. If you want to hear more about it, I wrote it up March of 2020 on this blog.

The first thing I did was take some photos of the publicity material for the upcoming Open Studio event.  Here are the cards, and I'll save the poster (which does have my studio name) until we get closer to the event itself:

Front and back of course.  My name and/or studio is not listed, but no one's is.  The organizer made a big deal over that green symbol of the Garden State Art Weekend, which he claims is a major achievement for the event.  We are on the poster.

As for work, I continued on the latest Robert Johnson block.  Did some work on it at home, and more at the Studio today, all on the image area.  The most obvious changes are to the closest building, the house. I took the window at the end of the house and made it two, side by side, with the rear window being boarded up.  However, I also redid the roof lines, put on better roof shingles, redid the siding, improved the gate and fence, and made some slight adjustments to the two human figures, among other things.   I like the drawing better now, but I am still not sure if it is completed.  No hurry, since the event I need it for is not for a few weeks yet.  Image can be seen below:

I brought the block home to look at some more.   If I make no changes, I will still probably go ahead and cut the margin out, since it is what I start with anyway, and wouldn't be that interesting to people who come to the Studio open house.  And if I make changes to the image area, you'll see that here.


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