Monday, April 29, 2024

More Vain Printing

 I had a bunch of things I was hoping to do today.  Some worked out better than others.  That is life.

One of today's plans was to talk to the director about exhibiting work in a cabinet upstairs.  I don't know how many people take those stairs, but I figure any showing of work outside my Studio is a good thing, and this is something she has been pushing for- sending me emails and talking about it in person.  Problem has been finding her.  I was in four times last week and was unable to talk to her.  Saw her in the office this morning, asked her about it, and she agreed to the idea of me picking something out and bringing it to her. I figured one of the recent framed pieces I had, still in the Studio and ready to show.  Problem is that three times I tried to bring her work today, and three times she wasn't where I expected her to be, if she was in the building at all.  This was her idea, so I can wait.

Another thing I wanted to do today was to print another copy of the Love In Vain print, as I have orders for three copies right now.  If nothing else, a print this many people like may be worth submitting to another show.  I had a piece of paper the same size as last week's printing, so another successful proof and I have the two I have been asked to send to Virginia.  So today I set up to print again.  Had the paper, ink, and tape I needed.  Even brought a set of tools so I could cut away a few bits that were picking up ink unintentionally.  Taped it up so I could ink it, as you see below:

Paper on top, then hand rubbing, the way I do it.  Early on the right side of the block (left side of the print) was looking good- very little re-inking and special rubbing needed.  Unfortunately, while doing the other side I saw that the paper had slipped a little bit.  A little bit of a double exposure effect of black.  Nothing at that point I could do to save it- this print was done and no good- time, paper, and ink wasted.  I suppose I can use the proof as a reference for what most of it should look like, but I didn't bother to even finish printing all of it.  No point.  I cleaned up, and tore a new piece of paper for the next time, whenever that is.  Made a stop on the way home, but there I got what I wanted.


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