Monday, May 20, 2024

Terraplane Blues part 13

 While this print is officially finished, I still need to pull a few more copies, such as the one for possible inclusion in the Robert Johnson show in Nashville in the future.  So far my contact has told me it should be acceptable to send a digital photo of whatever image is used, although I also told him I'd be willing to send the actual print itself if they want to photograph it in a way that I am not equipped to do.  But in either case I need a better print than the one I pulled the other day, so I had a goal for today's Studio session- pull that suitable print.  

First step was to tear down some paper to the right size.  So while my hands were still clean, I took out my paper storage box from the place in the Studio where it is stored, and took care of that.  This left me with only one full sheet of the Rives Lightweight I have been using for this series.  I definitely need more.  Then I got out my tools, ink, etc.  Didn't put the box away as I had more plans for it.  For music I brought my pop/rock book of discs, and from this selected my home burned Dap Kings disc- a full album of Sharon Jones, plus as much of the Binky Griptite Ghetto Funk Power Hour bonus disc as I could fit on the blank disc I recorded it on.  (you can read more about this disc on this blog back in June of 2019 if you want to know more) My reason for choosing this was because Amy Winehouse has been in the news lately, as a bio-pic is coming out soon.  I don't have any of her albums, but I do know that her most successful album was done with the backing of the Dap Kings, and in my opinion what made the album successful was the band's music, not her singing. 

Music on, I got down to business.  I used carving tools to quickly remove a few bits of stray marks from the block, then began to ink it up.  Having inked this block a few times now, it was not too difficult.  I inked the block, then printed the image on one of my recently torn pieces of paper.  Result can be seen below:

I think this new proof is suitable for any purpose, but I will eventually pull one more with the song lyrics, just to have in case I need it. But I don't need it right away, so that won't happen right away.  I blotted the block, cleaned up, all while the disc played.  As I left, I took the paper storage box with me. 

Over the past weekend I had done some more looking in the basement.   As usual I was searching for one thing, and ran across another thing I was looking for.  What I had found was a box of rolled paper with a very heavy cardboard cylinder inside.  I think I brought it home the last time I visited the storage unit, but hadn't looked at the contents, just remembering that I had some paper stored in it.  What I found was some sheets of hot pressed heavy paper (perhaps some Bristol board, or at least something suitable for future Christmas cards), a few sheets of heavyweight cold pressed paper (left over from a drawing class, where I gave it to students for the final ink wash drawing if they wanted something more substantial than what was in their drawing pads- something that was donated to the art department after the new operators decide the college bookstore would no longer stock art supplies) and what I took for 15 sheets of the Rives Lightweight.  So today I brought home what I had left of what I knew was Rives Lightweight, compared it to what was in the basement, and finding it matched, put 10 sheets of the basement paper into the plastic envelope that held what I kept in the Studio, and put it back in my car. 

I will adjust my order of art supplies to reflect my new reality, and call it in soon. 


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