Monday, June 03, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 19

 Up to the Studio today, to take advantage of the nice day, and that I may be busy much of this week.  Plus, I had things to look into.  For example, the showing of my work there on the 1st floor.  When I arrived I could see that my work had been hung, on the short wall by the theater.  That's a new spot for me, but I don't mind- there will likely be activity there, and the lights were on.  I also saw that my little statement (sent to Jeanne on Friday night) had been hung underneath the image on the left, so anyone who goes up to look at the prints more closely will see what they are about.  Works can be seen below:

On to the basement.  I had two things I wanted to do there- a little more drawing on my current block, and to clean up some more the prints I pulled for eventual sales- at least those already ordered.  They had been printed a few weeks ago and were completely dry, so this seemed a good opportunity to trim the paper on the margins, and to label these for the edition.  So this got done for the five proofs from the Robert Johnson series that had been ordered.  Did a little more erasing as well, but I think I will need to attack a spot or two with a knife, and since I had no tools with me today, that will have until another day.  

As for the block drawing, there were not major changes, but just refining background figures I already had there.  But it needed to be done, so I did a little of that. I don't think any of these is the final version, but it brings everything a little closer to where it is going. Results as of today are below:

I also stopped by the office.  Jeanne was in, so I confirmed that I saw the work on the wall and the statement, and was satisfied with what I saw.  At this point there is only work from 3 artists on walls, but she said she planned to ask more tenants for work.  No mention of dates when this will be needed by, but I promised to send something to Molly about it.  Molly hates framing things, but I know she has some things wired, and that is enough, if she and Jeanne can work out how and when to meet.


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