Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 18

 Weather reports on tv said that yesterday would be pouring rain at times, and today would be sunny, and those things turned out to be true.  So I stayed in yesterday, and took the trip up to Ocean Grove this morning.  I had various papers in a box in my car from the other day, so this was a good day to take them up there and in the building.  And despite the construction going on, I did find a spare spot in the front lot, so I parked there and carried my box inside safely.  

When I was up there last week, Jeanne asked me about putting up some work.  She was in the process of hanging a new show, and I didn't even realize it was her up on the ladder.  Apparently a lot of the 1st floor is empty right now, and she is willing to hang anything to fill it up. What she was hanging was work from a tenant, and not at all new.  My initial response was doubtful, as I only have a few things that haven't been shown there and I am saving those for the next tenant group show.  But over the weekend I thought about it some more, and decided if she didn't mind something that had been up previously, though a few years ago, I could lend them some boardwalk pieces from the past.  Not the one I had most recently, but ones displayed in the past, which is now a few years ago.  They are all in frames in the basement at home, ready to go, so why not?  Thus my first task on the day was to stop by the office and see her.  She was in and is agreeable to the idea (on the 1st there are only two artists currently showing), so I told her I would bring something in on Thursday (the next sunny day).  Just have to figure what I have down there.  

Next task was to check out the printed work that I had requests for, and clean them up if I could.  Started with music.  Molly had been playing the radio, and loudly, so I switched it to CD, and put in the Bruce disc I had bee listening to.  Still in the American period, with his most successful album, Born In the USA.  Then came a few songs from what I think of as his California period, where he married an actress and moved out there, away from the band that had been on most of his albums.  That didn't work out, so he moved back to New Jersey, married a second woman, and got on with his life.  That's about when I ended those discs of Springsteen, so while he continues to put out new albums, I have seen fewer patterns, and I don't have access to them.  (my 2 disc set of copies covers through 1995) Art continued.  Using a newish pencil eraser, I was able to remove some of the unwanted ink, so that looks like it will work.  I will attack them all on a future visit and try to get them in proper shape.  

Of course, the main thing I was doing was drawing on the new block.  Last night I copied some figures from the internet, all in the background, so not as detailed as if drawing from a person, but it's the best I have right now.  Of course, these are mostly background, so not as important.  I put these figures in where I had roughed in some stick figures last time.  I also looked at my photos of Convention Hall, and made a few adjustments to my block drawing.  I also made a change to the banner being pulled by the plane- fewer words, but a name that reflects an actual boardwalk place of my youth.  Below is a detail of where most of the work was done today, and an overall view of the whole block as it looks now:

I don't know if any of this will stay or not.  Updates to the building will probably remain, the figures will probably all be refined at some point, and maybe more added, while the plane banner may stay the same or change.  I'll figure that out later.  Meanwhile, I may not be done with this Asbury Park woodcut, but it looks like I'll have to pick some new music to work to.


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