Monday, March 19, 2007

St Joseph's Day

Today is the feast day of St Joseph, patron saint of Italy, among many other things. This has nothing to do with the Studio except that we do celebrate things Italian. Toward that end I stopped on my way home from class and bought this St Joseph sfinge, a cream puff bigger than your fist, freshly filled with cannoli cream. By tradition, I must eat this tonight. That's just the way it has to be.

Actually, there may be a little bit of a print connection. A few years back SGC was in NJ and fell on this day, and I brought a few of these up to the conference to share with the Outlaws, a largely midwestern bunch who are regularly deprived of such treats. But they skipped town to NYC that day to deal with the show we had coming up at Big Cat, so I shared them with the Wash U print kids instead, who were most appreciative.


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