I ended up spending more time than expected at the mural, but I did get up to the Studio for a few hours this afternoon. After finally cutting the railroad crossing gate, today's focus was the Ranch Wagon. I had done the original drawing from the family photo album, which showed the car just like this (facing the passenger side), parked in the driveway of the house we had in 1972. I kept it this way on the block, figuring it will be reversed in the print, so it will appear parked by the curb, driver's side out. One problem- the driver's side should have a rear view mirror and my photo didn't, as passenger side mirrors weren't standard then. Because I hadn't gotten around to drawing that, I had previously put off cutting the car. But today I did some quick online research before heading out, to see what a '69 vintage Ford rear view mirror looked like, and added the mirror to the drawing this afternoon. The cutting of the car was otherwise routine. Looking at the photo now I see that I didn't finish the luggage racks on the roof, but otherwise it's done.
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