Saturday, January 05, 2008

Studio Business

Things around the Studio were not quite so exciting as last Wednesday's discussion group, but we both had stuff to keep us busy. Last night Molly had e-mailed me a rough draft of an article she's submitting to a local publication. I brought a hard copy with me to mark up as I suggested edits. We clarified a few sentences and talked about possible additions.

Then we went about our own tasks. I was busy getting ready to order some art supplies, which included doing a full inventory of my watercolors. Checked to see what I have, what needed to be replaced, and what new items I could use. This will be part of a larger order including ink and other supplies. Meanwhile Molly was working on a mezzotint. Between the rocking, the burnishing, and the polishing, she felt she was getting some really good exercise. Later she put a bunch of her (mostly unfinished) work up on the wall to consider in preparation for a show she expects to be part of later this month.


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