Tonight was the 3rd session of my Belmar based woodcut class. (the long delay since the 2nd meeting was due to scheduling conflicts at the Boatworks and a prior commitment that I had) Only one student tonight (the 2nd had told me that she had a work related thing she had to do, and still no word from or about the one who never showed up), but she kept me plenty busy. She had started an image on the first night of some dense woods, and by tonight she had finished cutting the first block- a complex pattern of tree trunks and branches. She wants to do this as a multiple block print, so we pulled a first proof in a cool light gray (the planned color for that block) on kinwashi. She liked the results, but that was just the start. Before pulling that first proof I had prepared an identical size panel, with two identical registration holes. I mixed a darker color of ink (water based), re-inked the original block, and inserted two registration pegs. I had punched a piece of slick white paper with matching holes, slid it over the pegs, and pulled another proof. After inserting registration pegs in the 2nd block, I put the proof face down on that block and rubbed the back to offset the print onto the wood. The above photo shows the various blocks and proofs.
As things dried we discussed how to proceed from here. As of now, she's planning to use this second block to create a dark shadow color that will add shadows to the tree trunks and branches, and some variety texture to the foreground. (sections of green foliage will be added from a third, still undetermined source) If she can finish the block by our last meeting, we'll see the results here.
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