Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Table Talk part 36

Wednesday is always a table day, so I was back in the Studio by early afternoon.  Molly wasn't in yet, but she had someone busy in the process of attaching veneer strips to the edges of all the plywood tabletops, including the one I was there to work on.  So while I was waiting, I grabbed a slice across the street, and (after Molly arrived) did a little supplemental coloring to the faces that will be on the leaves of the drop leaf table.  Same colors as the kids had given them, just a little denser and darker.  Molly continued on that task after I had moved on to finish assembling the table.

The 1x2 strips that I had attached along the top of the frame were just glued on, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to supplement that a little, so I drove in some thin nails at key spot around the frame.  After that, it was the usual procedure of measuring, clamping, drilling, etc.  I will say this, it's a lot easier to flip a two square foot table than one that's twenty four square feet.  When I was done attaching the top I did make sure that wood pieces would still slide through the holes, though final assembly of the leaf supports will have to wait until the veneer gets trimmed to match the plywood thickness.  There are still a few more things I have to do, but most will have to wait until more materials are purchased.


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