Monday, November 25, 2013

Table Talk part 49

The reception for this project has come and gone, but we're not quite done yet.  My part of this is close to the end.  I went to the Studio today with plans to finish as much of the remaining tasks as possible.  I opened the door to the table shop and was hit with a blast of cold air.  One of the windows in that room tends to flop open on its own, so I figured it was that.  Instead, the window was gone, shattered.  Those of you not in New Jersey may not know that we've had some winter like weather in recent days.  No snow, but bitter cold temperatures and yesterday some extreme winds.  My guess is that's what caused it.  Whatever happened, cold air was pouring into the room.  It took a while but I finally located Herb in the building and let him know what was going on, then I added a layer of clothing and got to work.

First on the agenda was sanding the last of the table legs.  I had one set remaining to sand when Molly asked me to concentrate on other tasks, then wanted to halt all those things that generate sawdust while she was mixing and pouring resin.  So I set up my sanding braces one last time and took care of them.  That's it for sanding on this project.

As I was near the end of sanding, Herb came down to inspect the window and clear away some of the broken glass.  I wasn't in his way, so I just kept working.

Next job was to make more of the corner wedges.  The 2x4's that had served as the braces to keep the legs in place while I sanded them were no longer needed for that purpose, so they were cut into 16 triangles of the proper size to make 8 corner pieces, enough for the two tables that still lacked them.  And that should be the end of sawing for this project.

The legs will need attached deck ties for the table assembly, and all three sets of legs lacked them at the start of the day.  I attached four to officially finish one set of legs, then had to end my work and clean up.  My supplies include one one more set of four ties, so I will need to buy four more to complete this job, along with a set of lag screws.

As I was finishing that, Herb was finishing his temporary repair.  Within seconds the room temperature jumped 5 degrees, and continued to rise during my clean up.  He told me something more permanent will come tomorrow.  I expect to be back there again myself, but meanwhile I got a little closer to being done with Table Talk and getting back to making some woodcuts.


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