Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Supermarket Fireworks part 4

Had drawing class scheduled for 2 pm, and nothing planned for before that, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to get there earlier in case something was going on.  But nothing was going on.  My woodcut student who came in for an extra session last week had mentioned possibly wanting to do it again this week, but had made no such arrangements.  Nichole didn't seem to be around.  Turned out Molly was,  working on some large screen prints, and she gave me some updates on her recent activities.  She left to go elsewhere around 1 pm.  Shortly after that I went upstairs.  Still no Nichole, but signs had been posted saying that drawing class would be on room #3 (first floor), which was the thing I was curious about.  (an hour earlier there were people working in there)

Meanwhile I had used the time in the Studio to advance my supermarket print.  Earlier Molly had asked me if I had heard from Jane, our critique group regular, since word was that she was trying to organize a critique group where she lives.  I have not, but I did remark that it was odd that she mentioned Jane as I was referencing her in my new print.  Actually the reference is to the famous sparkler cake done in her honor, which she was probably lucky to miss.  I have an image of such a cake in my piece, along with text saying not to do it.  Kind of a public service.

But what I was adding today was two figures, which I have referred to as the sneaky smokers.  Two men trying to look nonchalant near the fireworks display box as it is erupting with rockets.  My two characters are based on Jake and Elwood Blues, taken from the scene in The Blues Brothers where they have just acquired musical instruments from Ray's Music Exchange in Calumet City.  Ray properly assesses that they will have to owe him the money, causing the brothers to do things like check watches and adjust ties, and avoid making eye contact, indicating their embarrassment at the truth.  (that Ray is played by Ray Charles, and shares his blindness, is part of the humor of the scene) It's all up on YouTube, so no problem finding it, freeze framing the action and getting a quick sketch. More work will be needed, but for now I have the postures and gestures that I wanted.


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