Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Color Pencil Class

Today was the first meeting of the new color pencil class.  I have covered color before in many classes, such as GEC, Intro to Art, and 2D Design/Foundations, but this is the first class I've had specifically devoted to color. On the other hand, it's only 4 meetings, while those others all were 15 and had to cover a whole lot more.  Twice this summer I was scheduled to teach such a class, but each time I had no more than one person sign up, and so there was no class.  This time I had two early on, and two more this week, which makes for four, and the most I've had since a drawing class with 7 students a few years back, before the pandemic and everything else.  So this is the first time I have taught this class, but not the first time I have covered this material.  The one new thing is that it was decided above that this class would involve colored pencils, something I have never worked with before in an academic setting.  I have done watercolors, acrylics, pastels, and colored printing ink, but not pencils.  But the decision was made, so I am making the best of it.  I adapted two of my old 2D projects to the medium, and I will go from there.  I did make a watercolor color wheel for demonstration purposes, since I didn't like the colored pencils I had,  though I was told some were ordered for the class.  I sent out an email to the addresses I had a few days ago, introducing myself and the class, advising what to bring.  One of my students (who I knew from my regular drawing class) told me she had to miss the first meeting, but she will be present for the others, so I sent her a link to the college project and gave her some ideas what she could do before next week if she wants to.  (not being an actual college class, I can't use grades or rules to enforce deadlines or processes)

When I got there I found I could not turn on the air conditioner, a big problem on what may be the hottest day of the year. (locally the heat index may be at 107 degrees in nearby towns)  So I went right to the office and found Jeanne, my boss for this class.  She was confused a bit at first, since the on/off switch was not doing its job, and it was plugged in.  Turned out to be a breaker switch on the extension cord had tripped, but we got it straightened out and started cooling down the room.  No still life today, so I left all the tables and chairs where they were. 

A half hour before the official start of class, my first student showed up.  First choice of table and chair for her.  She said she had not received my email, so I gave her an explanation of what was planned for the day, and showed a student example of the project that I found in my basement along with other student work. Sometimes it's easier to show than explain.  The two others (related) showed up closer to the official start time. Jeanne (also present for today) figured we should just get started, so I did.  A few words about color theory first, talking about the visible spectrum and color wheels, then we got onto the palettes project.  

About 45 minutes into class, Jeanne decided I was doing fine and she could leave.  I think the class went well.  All present worked on the first project, and got well into the first image during the two hours.  All know how to continue, so how far they get before next week is up to them.  They know that we will continue work on it next week.  All departed with a set of colored pencils and instructions.  Temperatures were brutal as I left, but I got home without incident, so I was happy.


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