Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Drawing Class Again part 2

 I woke to see a fine Scottish day, as my friend Brian would say.  He was from Scotland, so I figure he would know.  Unfortunately, what this means is never ending wind and rain.  Luckily, I was indoors and would stay that way for most of the day.  During a break in the weather, I brought my props to the car for today's class- bottles I planned to use in the second half of class.  A drizzly rain as I took off for Ocean Grove, but nothing too difficult to drive in.  Going to and from Kean, I often had to deal with ice and snow, plus the Parkway.  

I brought in my tote bag of bottles, then took two trips to bring up from the basement (my Studio) what I needed for the first half of class- my old wooden desk chair from Czechoslovakia.  (I acquired it in Carbondale and brought it home, but this thing is well traveled.)  That's right, it's the day I do negative space in basic drawing.  The bottles are mostly wine bottles, just four of them, so a bit easier than the set of 7 bottles I used to have, including a tricky sake bottle I've had since my undergrad days.  Symmetrical, but an odd design.   Only had to move a few tables and chairs, so it didn't take long to put the room as I wanted it, so everything was done on time.  Put on the heat, as the room had a bit of a draft, feeling like it was coming from the area around the air conditioner.  Hoped my students would show up on this nasty day.

LuAnne arrived first, complaining of her ride down the Parkway from South Amboy.   Told her about my daily commutes home from Hackensack on that road, and my long trips back and forth to Union on that highway.  Ginger arrived second.  The third never showed up, or sent word what happened. I'll send her an email this week, telling her what she missed and reminding her that we have a class.  The chair was already set up, so I showed them a few blocks (woodcut is all positive and negative space really) and let them get started.  Ginger, having drawn the negative space in my chair earlier this yea, didn't want to do it again, so I let her draw the chair as a positive shape.  She quickly learned that this is just as hard, if not worse.  Meanwhile, LuAnne had the fun of drawing the negative spaces in the chair.  Not an impossible task to understand, but a very different approach than drawing objects.  However, both learned things today, which is my goal anyway.  I told them about next week, and what they will need for a day of charcoal, and then it was time to go.  I had brought the chair down earlier, so one more trip to my space in the basement, then put the tables back, turned off everything I had put on, then locked up and went home.  Rain was worse than before, but I've driven on busier roads for longer distances under worse conditions, so I could handle this.  Took no photos today, but you get the idea.


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